An international panel of expert judges has named a Swiss Emmentaler as the 2014 World Championship Cheese.
Cheesemaker Gerard Sinnesberger from Kaserei Sinnesberger in Gams, Switzerland, took top honors out of 2,615 entries from 22 countries for his Original Schweizer Rohmilch Emmentaler, a large-format, big-wheel Swiss. Out of a possible 100 points, the Emmentaler scored 97.85 in the final round of judging, during which judges reevaluated the top 16 gold-winning cheeses to determine the overall champion.
First runner-up in the contest, with a score of 97.689, is Erzherzog Johann, made by Alois Pichler and Team at Obersteirische Molkerei eGen in Knittelfeld, Austria. Second runner-up with a score of 97.575 is Gruyere AOP, made by Fromagerie Moleson in Orsonnens, Switzerland.
“Congratulations to the thousands of cheesemakers from around the world who participated in the largest technical cheese competition ever held. Every medalist should be extremely proud of their accomplishment,” said John Umhoefer, executive director of the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association in Madison, Wis., which hosts the biennial competition.
Overall, U.S. cheesemakers dominated the competition, earning gold medals in 59 of the total 90 categories judged. Switzerland came in second among the countries with seven golds. The Netherlands had five gold medals; Austria and Canada each took four; Denmark and Spain each earned three; while Croatia, Germany and Portugal each captured one apiece.
Among U.S. states, Wisconsin garnered 33 gold medals. Vermont and New York took five golds, while California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey and Ohio each earned two. Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania and South Dakota each took one gold medal.
The World Championship Cheese Contest is the largest technical cheese and butter competition in the world. For more information on the contest, as well as complete results for all entry classes and contest photos, visit