Gourmet Business

CIAA Internship Program Supports 11

Posted on 8/9/2016
CIAA Internship Program Supports 11

The Cheese Importers Association of America (CIAA) Qualified Importer Program is supporting 11 student interns working in several cheese importer firms this summer.

The CIAA Summer Internship Program was developed to expose young talent to the cheese importing industry and encourage young people to consider careers in importing specialty cheeses. The internship program, now in its fourth year, supplements the students’ coursework by providing real work experience that enhances their marketing, analytical and communication skills.

This year’s interns were carefully selected from a pool of more than 100 applicants nationwide. Selection was based on materials that the applicants submitted to the CIAA, including an application, resume, writing sample and two personal references. The student’s interest and passion for marketing specialty cheese and interest in supply chain management were also considered during the selection process. 

This year’s participants hail from diverse schools including Cornell University, Rutgers University, Taylor University, the University of Utah and the University of Wisconsin. The internship lasts 10 weeks. In addition to various duties they must complete for their respective companies, interns are required to write a weekly statement summarizing the work they perform. As compensation for their work, interns receive a weekly stipend of $600 over the course of the internship.

Placements for the internships are at various CIAA member firms. This year, interns have the opportunity to gain valuable insight at Arthur Schuman, Atalanta, Best Cheese, Finlandia Cheese, Jana Food, Fonterra Food Services USA, MCT Dairies, Emmi Roth USA, Interval USA, Ornua North America and Saputo Cheese USA. 

Specific job duties are determined by the assigned company, but aim to expose students to the daily operations of a cheese importing firm and develop comprehensive understanding of internal supply chain management as well as specialty food marketing.

Funding for the program is generated from the CIAA Qualified Importer Program. Funds are derived from the assessment importers pay on dairy products imported into the United States. 

College students in the sophomore or junior year are eligible to apply. Applications for summer 2017 will be available in January.

The CIAA is a non-profit trade association formed more than 60 years ago, whose membership comprises the vast majority of firms engaged in the business of importing, selling, promoting and distributing cheese and cheese products in the United States. 

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