Gourmet Business

Academie Opus Caseus Hosts Cheese Course at Jasper Hill in Vermont

Posted on 2/3/2014
Academie Opus Caseus Hosts Cheese Course at Jasper Hill in Vermont

In a unique international partnership, the Academie Opus Caseus, the professional development subsidiary of Mons Fromager-Affineur, is offering its first U.S.-based course at the renowned Jasper Hill Farm in Vermont.

Open to cheese professionals, the course will cover the life of cheese in four days of classroom, observational and hands-on work. Taught by Academie instructors Laurent Mons and Susan Sturman, and with the participation of Andy and Mateo Kehler, Zoe Brickley and the Jasper Hill team, students will have an intimate overview of all phases of how cheese is made, aged and prepared for market from some of the world’s top professionals.

“The course is not a product training program, rather it will provide cheese professionals – both experienced and novice – a concise overview of the industry through the lens of two of the most well-respected companies in the business,” the Academie said in a statement.

Both Mons Fromager-Affineur and Jasper Hill are involved in all aspects of dairy farming, cheese production, affinage, distribution, and retail sales. The course was inspired by the close alignment of the two companies, who share a commitment to protecting and preserving working landscapes, traditional cheesemaking, high quality, and sustainability for both cheese producers and the environment.

Students will be lodged at the Lakeview Inn in Greensboro, Vt., and will visit Jasper Hill Farm, the Cellars at Jasper Hill and the Food Venture Center. Group dinners will provide a social environment to develop relationships with both the French and American instructors, as well as fellow students.

The course is limited to 10 participants. Two course dates are set for 2014 – June 3-6 and Sept. 9-12. The tuition for the program is $2,500, and includes lodging, ground transportation during the course, and most meals. Click here to apply.

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