Gourmet Business

Study: Americans Support FDA’s Voluntary GMO Labeling Policy

Posted on 6/10/2014
Study: Americans Support FDA’s Voluntary GMO Labeling Policy

A majority of Americans support the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) current voluntary labeling policy for foods containing genetically modified ingredients, according to a new consumer survey by the International Food Information Council Foundation (IFICF).

The survey also reveals positive perceptions of genetically modified (GM) foods that offer nutritional benefits, and continued overall confidence in the safety of the U.S. food supply, according to the study.

“Despite an ongoing campaign by supporters of mandatory GMO [genetically modified organisms] labeling to scare and mislead consumers about the safety and benefits of GM technology, the vast majority of Americans still have no concerns about the role of GMOs in our food,” said Claire Parker, spokeswoman for the Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food. “Here in the U.S., we base our food labeling requirements on science, not fear or political campaigns. This is just further proof that such policies are well-accepted and are the best path forward to guarantee safe, affordable food for all Americans.”

Sixty-three percent of survey respondents endorse the FDA’s current voluntary policy for labeling GM foods – a number consistent with this survey’s findings in previous years, according to the IFICF. Only 1 percent of respondents said that biotechnology is something they avoid in their food, and 4 percent named biotech as something they want information about on their food labels.

IFICF also found that health benefits of GM foods resonate with American consumers, with a majority of consumers saying they are likely to purchase GM foods that confer nutritional benefits (67 percent), contain more healthy fats (72 percent), or reduce potential for carcinogens (69 percent).

Most Americans in this survey also have favorable perceptions of modern agriculture, with 74 percent viewing it as sustainable and 71 percent saying it produces nutritional food.

Overall, the survey found that overall confidence in the U.S. food supply remains high at 67 percent, on par with previous years’ findings.

Click here to read the entire study.

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